' The Wolf of the Wall Street ' by Thaddeus Hutyra

I'm swinging in money
dancing at a disco
filled with money
bathing myself
in a cabine
covered with money
even the bubbles of water
are money, money, money
Wherever I'm
there is money
within easy reach
The world is under my feet
I can crash it
whenever I want
Wow, great is this world
for I'm the wolf
of the Wall Street
Oh, money, money
money, money, money

Have a ball
Be happy as Larry
life is only once
You have money
so enjoy your life
Money, money, money
that's what makes
this world turning round
Money money, money
this world is mine
Money, money, money
oh, money, money, money ...

It doesn't take much
but a tough mind
going straight forward
past the queen and king
on the chessboard
without looking back
at them, with no rules
merciless if need be
The world must lie
before my feet
like a splendid carpet
full of money, of course
Money for me
and only for me
the wolf of the Wall Street
Oh, how I love it
great is this world !!

Have a ball
Be happy as Larry
life is only once
You have money
so enjoy your life
Money, money, money
that's what makes
this world turning round
Money money, money
this world is mine
Money, money, money
oh, money, money, money ...

I've got nearly a godlike status
Men are jumping
constantly around me
wanting desperately
my attention, my acceptance
Women are trying to attract me
offering sex and love, whatever
I'm Leonardo di Caprio
Jack Nicholson, Brad Pitt
Bill Gates, Warren Buffet
I'm the tough wolf
of the Wall Street
Ha, ha, ha, I'm the wolf
of the Wall Street
Oh, beautiful is America
I'm the wolf of the Wall Street

Have a ball
Be happy as Larry
life is only once
You have money
so enjoy your life
Money, money, money
that's what makes
this world turning round
Money money, money
this world is mine
Money, money, money
oh, money, money, money ...

' The Wolf of the Wall Street ' by Thaddeus Hutyra
Thaddeus Hutyra. © January, 2014. All Rights Reserved.

e-mail: tadekhutyra@hotmail.com
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