' The Lonely Widow's Lament '
by Neil Perry

Dancing and leaping, the flames override
The rocky dark mountain until it can slide
Ashes to ashes down into the grate,
Cooled from the embers, to end in that state,

Broken and brittle, the warm slowly goes,
The room back to normal creeps back to the toes,
And where it was once, the mountain has gone,
And she is left freezing there chill to the bone,

Wishing and hoping, while watching the snow
Slowly descend to the pavement below,
That he would come back, and then open the door
And feed her this fire, and leave her no more,

Would be beyond doubt her sweet heaven on earth,
Or more like the joy after one given birth;
But she is alone, and her lover is gone,
And she is left freezing there chill to the bone.

' The Lonely Widow's Lament '
by Neil Perry
Copyright © Neil Perry
All Rights Reserved.

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