' Chronicles of Our Lives '
by Richard J. Panizza


To each of our lives we write in the book

The pages complete with experiences to
Which we turn to previous chapters

Precepts of times of our days to redress
The perceptions to that we once took

Published personifications in times of

The publications of days once promising
But, only as the pages turn discovered to
Be unfulfilling

Stories of good and bad alike unfold
But, life its self continues on

There is always a new page to be written
With new chapters to be chronicled never
Left undone

Don't turn back to the binded writings of
Circumstances now past

Instead learn to turn the pages and write
Not in plagiary in redundant words

Rather, embrace the chronicles starting anew –
Chapters left to then be turned

We always go on just pretending that there
Is always a new page to be read

But, there are no guarantees in life to be

Tragedy can fall upon us all in a mere

But, as long as we continue to exist, we
Shall remain writing new chapters in the
Book of our lives

' Chronicles of Our Lives '
by Richard J. Panizza
Copyright © Richard J. Panizza
All Rights reserved

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