' Dictator '
by Thaddeus Hutyra


He was a Dark horse
everybody knew it
It wasn't the same
as to be a Trojan horse
Daft as a brush
was more appropriate for him

He was a very bad apple
yet he didn't bother
He changed laws like women
as often as he drank his coffee
and treated entire countries
as the whores he was sleeping with

They all called him a bad egg
yet when he showed up
everybody shied away
too risky simply to confront
as if he had eagle eyes
and a face like thunder

He was a real carpetbagger
Crimea must have been his
no bother what others thought
He was though a barefaced liar
true or not, what he wanted
must have been achieved

He thought he was the emperor
like Napoleon and Peter the Great
in their most glamorous times
But he was so much mistaken
for he was only a Dead duck
for the rightful of all times


' Dictator ' by Thaddeus Hutyra
Thaddeus Hutyra. © 2014. All Rights Reserved.


e-mail: tadekhutyra@hotmail.com
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