' Marianne '
by Thaddeus Hutyra


I can't believe my very eyes
My Marianne is dancing like a swan
there in the garden, just outside my window
In the morning sunshine
so fresh as all the wonders
of the spring all over around her
She is dancing vigorously
among the bouquets of flowers
colorful, the spring garden flowers
Purple crocuses, California goldfields
just awoken to life
and springing up and forth joyfully
She herself and the spring's wonders
are mirrored gracefully
in the waters of the lake
full of other dancing swans
What a spring it is, of a new life being born
of everlasting youth !
But above all, my Marianne
lost some time ago
but now before my very eyes !!

I run outside of my home
and call her, my Marianne
My happiness of seeing her
is beyond anything to describe
Life is just a bowl of cherries
for me at this very moment
But when I reach to her with my hand
she vanishes, there is no a trace of her
Oh, Marianne, why was it a dream
and not you, the one I loved
and shall love till the very end of my life !!

It is the evening of one summer day
I am watching the sunset
mysterious beyond anything to say
the sundown on the horizon
with the last shimmering rays
saying goodbye, goodbye my love
to all the couples with their love stories
greater than life, never ending
I stayed today many hours outdoors
enjoying the day to the fullness
swimming, jogging, skateboarding
till I had it enough
and loved to come back home
I am now watching the sunset
turning itself to twilight, to dusk
Suddenly I see her, my Marianne
running to me with open arms
What an incredible sight it is
she, in the summer's hearty hug
she, a goddess, from the very rays of the Sun !!

I run outside of my home
and call her, my Marianne
My happiness of seeing her
is beyond anything to describe
Life is just a bowl of cherries
for me at this very moment
But when I reach to her with my hand
she vanishes, there is no a trace of her
Oh, Marianne, why was it a dream
and not you, the one I loved
and shall love till the very end of my life !!

Sitting at the window yet again
in the midday of one autumn's day
I am watching the shedding leaves
falling and falling down
joyously and with vibrations
colourful, with yellow hue,
and orange, red, dark green, brown
many other colours in between
I noticed it not a once
leaves are shifting colour in this fall
especially maddeningly
a carousel on my very eyes
They form a splendid carpet
which makes one feeling a longing
to go there and throw oneself onto it
Is this true or not, do I dream or not
my Marianne lies there
on this splendidly crafted carpet
her face radiates with a smile
she only can do and only for me

I run outside of my home
and call her, my Marianne
My happiness of seeing her
is beyond anything to describe
Life is just a bowl of cherries
for me at this very moment
But when I reach to her with my hand
she vanishes, there is no a trace of her
Oh, Marianne, why was it a dream
and not you, the one I loved
and shall love till the very end of my life !!

It's a beautiful Sunday in a brotherly hug
of a splendidly white winter
seeming to be a prince of all princes
The sunlight is beaming
in an oblique angle, alongside a chilling wind
but its somehow a warmth is multiplied
by the glass of the window
in my family house, pleasantly warm inside
There is no sign of the diamond dust
composed of masterful ice crystals
which shall reappear at frosty night
There was a snowfall in the morning
and shall be many times yet
shaping new landscapes changing all the time
I see white coloured snowshoe hare
running to the nearby woods
which suddenly stops, with expression of fear
before …Marianne, the princess of my life
I swear to myself I really see her
It can't be I am once again mistaken
Not for my life! It's her, it's clearly her !

I run outside of my home
and call her, my Marianne
My happiness of seeing her
is beyond anything to describe
Life is just a bowl of cherries
for me at this very moment
But when I reach to her with my hand
she vanishes, there is no a trace of her
Oh, Marianne, why was it a dream
and not you, the one I loved
and shall love till the very end of my life !!


' Marianne ' by Thaddeus Hutyra
Copyright © Thaddeus Hutyr, February 2014
All Rights Reserved.

e-mail: tadekhutyra@hotmail.com
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