' In the circle of vipers '
by Thaddeus Hutyra 

Vipers, vipers, monstrous vipers
wherever one looks nothing but vipers
You love a woman most dear to your heart
but no, the vipers must bite her deadly
and last of her life's rays of light are escaping her
She's no longer with you, gone for good
and your life is everlasting mess

Vipers, vipers, monstrous vipers
wherever one looks nothing but vipers
You try your best in business activities
dreaming to transcend your life
to one known as the middle class
but no, the vipers filled with their jealousness
plot to bring you down, what happens eventually

Vipers, vipers, monstrous vipers
wherever one looks nothing but vipers
You try to organize your life good
no more disturbing mess, no more disorder
writing poetry, singing, acting, whatever else
but then the vipers spit at everything you do
nothing is worth anything according to them

Vipers, vipers, monstrous vipers
wherever one looks nothing but vipers
Have a good look cos they are not really visible
hiding behind their polished skins
and their faces filled with falsehood
Be careful beauty is not what is outside 
but what is inside of one's mind and heart

' In the circle of vipers ' by Thaddeus Hutyra 
Copyright © Thaddeus Hutyra
All Rights Reserved

e-mail: tadekhutyra@hotmail.com
 More here: http://www.funworldstar.com/GezichtvanGod/index.html

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