Bill of Rights

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The USA made fundamental MISTAKES in all Middle East, in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya..., because they should have had implemented BILL OF RIGHTS in the constitutions of all these countries. Now it is perhaps too late...The USA have had NO strategy in last two decades at all and because of it perhaps lost. I mean Bill of Rights should have been injected, as well as modern and civilian constitutions as preconditions to further dealing with those countries...
What concerns Israel and Palestine: Creating a democratic regime, supporting it with Marschal Plan, implementing there Bill of Rights in the Palestinian constitution, separating their religions from state and judiciary, business relations between Israel and Palestine, and so on...Israel needs a new generation of politicians, sort of Godfathers of Israel as the famous Godfathers of America were...
I would like to stress again Israel should create a Marschal Plan for Palestine, let them be a state, but continue with Marschal Plan under condition Palestine develops as a modern democratic state with separation of religion from state and judiciary. There must happen something both peoples finally adapt to each other, become modern democracies, Palestinians can't be kept the way as in the Middle Ages, without their own state. Furthermore, I think Palestine as state is safer for Israel because there is a rule of LAW, assuming the country is democratic...Palestinians are a small nation, nothing to be afraid of for Israel. Israeli leaders need thus to change their policies 180 degrees, with a try to inject a civilisational jump in Palestinians and make them modern, away from religion in politics... An example to other countries in the Middle East. Palestine as now, without state, is a jungle without law and so you can't fault them for anything as long as they are without their own state. It's a responsibility for Israeli politicians to be now the Godfathers for modern Israel and...Palestine, for the sake of both...Now Palestinians are so bad, in the eyes of many Israelis, because as I wrote they live in a jungle without laws and so they can't be faulted for anything as long as there is no state and responsibility for a government which could eventually be faulted for any misbehaviour.
What concerns all the other people in the Middle East there is still lots of work to do, to make sure they don't go for Shariah in the future but for democratic solutions and liberty... What is needed is to inject in them thinking other than what Islam is saying to them. Alternative thinking.
And I would rather stress here Islam should become the other, alternative thinking. Islam is a cancer in all those societies.. We can't say this to them but perhaps it is possible to inject in them freedom alike thinking, individualism, modernity, removing Islam from politics and everyday life and placing the religion back to mosques...
Iranians are much better in this I suppose than others in the Middle East, because they have experienced the terror of the rule of the Islamic regime which have murdered so far millions of its citizen.
The basic matter is what to do to inject a civilisational jump in all those people. Europeans had a civilisational jump some time ago. Also Americans. The significant point in their civilisational jump was splitting their religion, Christianity, away from state and judiciary. Now, hopefully, people in the Islamic parts of the world will be able to cross the devide, too. Especially making it sure religion, any religion, is being separated from state and judiciary. And implementing Bill of Rights in the Arab constitutions to ensure constitutional human rights for every single person in their societies. Strangely, Arabic people don't accept Bill of Rights and Iranian people don't write much about it. What's wrong with it? This must change, for their own sake. Viva freedom, viva Bill of Rights!